Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's here

Dear Football Gods,

Thank you for all the many blessing that today and henceforth for the next fourth months will bring. I am sure you brought college football in this world to entertain us until Christmas. You brought such a great blessing to also help us through the holidays with our families. I imagine you might not have time to read this but are watching me type this through your big screen TV of the world. How is it like playing PlayStation on that thing? Is it like the old picture in picture or more like the DirectTV thing where you can get 6 channels at once. Either way, I bet you have one hell of a Superbowl crowd. Let's don't get excited though, it's only the beginning, we don't want to rush it.

As I tossed and turned in the bed last night with excitement, just like i did as a kid waiting to see what was under the tree on Christmas morning, I knew today it would all be worth it. You tried to test me just like you did people back in the old days. You sent an extra work load over the last few months, didn't make it easy. You made it a 100 degree days with high humidity to force me inside to watch the Little League World Series. I had to watch ESPN Top plays that included Tennis, seriously, that was a little far but we can discuss later. You took our star QB back away from the team only two days ago. You love using the NCAA as your little devil puppet. Your brought a construction crew onto the next block over. Had them work seven days week, starting their mornings at 6 am. You got the dog sick this week and had him shit and puck all over the thick carpet. You even went as far as having the wife snore and kick all night last night....I am guessing a last ditch effort of heartache.

But through it all I know, Football Gods are faithful. He does enable His children to persevere through suffering. He not only brings them through, but He brings them to glory. And glory, my friend, is what today is all about. Nothing and I mean Nothing will wipe this smile off of my face.

Thank you,