Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Natasha hits Youtube

This is from Cadaver Memorial

go ahead to about 5:30 minute mark to see her.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

They got the Poppy Seed Chicken right there between the Meatloaf and Roastbeef!

I laugh even as I begin to write. It is funny how we organize things in our life. What people either see as more important or how they should organize the structure of life. On a smaller scale, Natasha was recently reading through the Taylor Methodist Cook Book. It had the dishes organized alphabetically. This might not seem like a big deal at all but little do you know. The conversation:

"David, I can understand putting the Index in Alphabetical form, that is what it is for"
ME: "Okay"
"But the whole cookbook?"
ME Again: "Yeah....."
"I mean look here, They have the Poppy Seed Chicken right here between the regular ol Meatloaf and some sort of Roastbeef!"

Currently, we had a chicken thawing in the kitchen, This angered her because she just wanted to look through the book for chicken recipes. Now she has to flip through the whole book simply because they didn't have the book divided by type of dish. AHHHH, now I see your problem. It was great. The anger as she continued to flip was priceless indeed. She would eventually set it down and go through one of the 9 cookbooks she has.

One persons organization of the little things in life can be totally different that some one else's. It's just like going into an office and some one saying, "It look a mess but I know where everything is." Yes, true, you do but no one else does.If we all would consider the "customers" in our lives, then maybe organizational skills as whole would raise. If maybe we release the control and/or selfishness of un-organization, then we can better serve the people around us. I will dip deep into serving others as we go along.

Natasha has struggled with organized religion lately, I guess the Methodist are out again. That line is full of humor.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is it?

I stole this title off a piece of paper that I stare at. The purpose of this question was to define a certain program we are currently involved in for the summer. Just to inform you, I am currently devoting all my time to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), you most likely call it the Stimulus bill. You can find our marketing at

I didn't come to talk about work though nor give them free marketing. I came to answer the question of "What is it?" In defining that, I shall ask even more question I suppose. Definitions are funny. The search for answers to the strangest things draw the craziest conclusions are mind will allow. Do we search to deep to define all that are possible? Are we scared to not understand something. This can be either ourselves, others, persons, places or things. Now it sounds as if I am looking for a Wheel of Fortune catergory.

Why do we search for answers? Why must we know things? Can people not just be happy in the process rather than to define the measure of the adventure?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Long Line of Losers

I have started listening to this new guy, Kevin Fowler.

This is my favorite, including the line: "I was born with a shotglass in my hand"

If you can pull up the link, search Kevin Fowler, Long of Losers on youtube